Category boxes section

Cras at dolor eget urna varius faucibus tempus in elit. Cras a dui imperdiet, tempus metus quis, pharetra turpis.

Home page category boxes are added in _data/navigation_boxes.yml, e.g.:

- title: Getting Started
  desc: Get your account up and running in just few easy steps
  icon: settings
  doc: usage

- title: Account and Billing
  desc: Managing your account, creating new users and exporting data
  icon: credit-card
  doc: drafts

All available icons can be found here.

Add boxes section to a page using the following include:

{% include boxes.html columns="3" title="Browse Topics" subtitle="Chose an option that you need help with or search above" %}

Hero page header
Fearured docs section
Getting Started
Theme Features